All questions were answered by Todd Shropshire, Physical Therapy Manager and Physical Therapist at OrthoCarolina's Ballantyne location.
1.What makes this physical therapy clinic unique?
The Ballantyne office is unique in that we have two therapy clinics. Our upstairs therapy clinic is the larger of the two and hosts 7 PTs, 2 PTA’s and 2 ATC’s. Ballantyne has a veteran staff with the average years of Orthopedic experience > 10 years.
2. What can patients expect when they visit?
Every patient will be greeted with a friendly smile by their physical or occupational therapist. They will receive a thorough evaluation by the therapist, explanation and education regarding their diagnosis and the therapist assessment, explanation of the rationale for the therapy and the treatment to be provided and education in a home exercise program that is tailored to their individual needs and goals. The therapist will develop a plan of treatment that will be explained to the patient and the patient will be schedule to attend additional therapy appoints based on the therapist’s evaluation and what is deemed appropriate for their diagnosis.
3. What kinds of injuries or disabilities do you treat?
-The Ballantyne therapy team treats:
Neck / Back: generalized pain, Osteoarthritis as it affects range of motion, nerve root impingements, Discogenic origin of pain (bulging disks, degenerative disc disease), Muscle strains and myofascial pain, myofascial trigger points, Fusions, spinal surgeries
Shoulder: Tendonitis, tendonopathies, total shoulder replacements, rotator cuff repairs, sub-acromial decompression, general shoulder arthroscopy, biceps tenodesis, Myofascial pain, myofascial trigger points, frozen shoulder/adhesive capsulitis, status post fractures, Osteoarthritis, Muscle strains / sprains
Elbow: Tendonitis (Tennis elbow/golfers elbow), Tendonopathies, Biceps Tendon repair, Tommy Johns surgeries, status post fractures, Osteoarthritis, muscle strains, sprains, ligament sprains.
Wrist/Hand: Tendon repairs, tendonitis, tendonopathies, splinting, status post fractures, Osteoarthritis, Ligament sprains
Hip: Tendonitis, Bursitis, Tendonopathies, myofascial pain, myofascial trigger points, status post fractures, total hip replacements, labral repairs, Osteoarthritis, Muscle strains/sprains, impingement syndromes, gait abnormalities
Knee: Tendonitis, Tendonopathies, Meniscus tears, Ligament tears and surgical reconstrucion (ACL, PCL, MCL, LCL), Total knee replacements, knee arthroscopy (for meniscal tears), Osteochondritis dessicans, status post fractures, muscle strains / sprains, Osgood Schlatter’s Disease, Patello-Femoral syndrome, fat pad impingement, ITB Syndrome, Myofascial pain, myofascial trigger points, gait abnormalities
Foot / Ankle: Tendonitis / Tendonopathies, Ligament tears and surgical reconstruction, status post fractures, Muscle strains / sprains, myofascial pain, myofascial trigger points, ankle sprains, gait abnormalities, bunionectomies, plantar fascitis / heel pain
4. How does the staff work together to deliver the best care to patients?
We communicate. Communication among the therapy staff, front desk staff, referring physicians and physician’s assistant is so important. The therapy staff at Ballantyne treats a wide variety of orthopedic injuries and post-surgical conditions. All staff attend continuing education throughout the year and share this information with all staff at regularly schedule inservices. The therapy staff at Ballantyne have areas/ body part in which they are more specialized and have pursued additional education. We all share our knowledge and skill set with each other for the benefit of each patient.
5. How many people do you have on staff?
Physical therapist: 8
Physical Therapist / Athletic Trainer: 1
Occupational therapists: 1
Physical therapist / hand therapist: 1
Physical Therapy Assistants: 3
Athletic Trainers: 2