1.) What led you to your position?
It was serendipitous, and with my background as a former patient service specialists and SAC, it was a great bridge to a new chapter.
2.) What do you like most about being a team member at OrthoCarolina?
I like that I work for a company that truly cares about our community and its employees.
3.) Which of OrthoCarolina’s core values means the most to you?
They all mean so much to me in their own ways. However, I believe I embody the core value service the most.
4.) How do you embody these core values on a daily basis?
In my position, our employees are my customers. I’m always readily available to address any issue that comes my way. In the training department we are often doing IT related things as well; and really anything that comes my way I will address. If an employee’s workflow is affected and they reach out to me for help, I’m going to do whatever I can as quickly and efficiently as possible, whether it’s physical therapists contacting me at 6:30 AM or OrthoCarolina Urgent Care at 8 PM. It gives me a sense of fulfillment to know I have helped resolve their issues so they can give our patients the best experience possible.
5.) What are some of your outside hobbies or interests?
Playing with my three amazing boys, hiking in the Blue Ridge Mountains and weather. Mostly storms, supercells- especially tornadoes. I’m fascinated by them.
6.) What's your favorite restaurant in the Charlotte area?
I love a good sushi place. I’m craving New Zealand Cafe at the moment. Beef and Bottle is a favorite anniversary spot for me and my husband as well.
7.) Finally, what's your favorite part of working at OrthoCarolina?
The people I work with and for. I could not have asked for a better group of caring and passionate folks to be around on a daily basis.