1.) What led you to your position?
Working in a hospital environment for 5 years is enough to take a toll on anyone’s body. Twelve-hour shifts and being on your feet all day meant that I was looking for something less physical. I went and met with OrthoCarolina and two years later, I’m still at the Foot & Ankle Institute. I started out as a patient support specialist on the front lines of the Institute, and have worked my way to a test and surgery scheduler.
2.) What do you like most about being a team member at OrthoCarolina?
The Institute is like a family, with the crazy aunt, the strict uncle, the mom who babies everyone, the dad who tells you to toughen up, the sister who teases you but is secretly one of your best friends and the brother who always has your back. We all know what is going on in each other’s lives, and are always there to lend a hand or an ear when needed. I know I could go to any of my fellow Institution-ers and tell them about what is stressing me out in life, at home or at work, and they will always give me some form of advice, good or bad.
3.) Which of OrthoCarolina’s core values means the most to you?
Service- as an ambassador of OrthoCarolina, I build strong relationships and create memorable experiences.
4.) How do you embody these core values on a daily basis?
I treat every patient as I would want my family to be treated. I make every effort to calm the nervous wrecks prior to surgery and to empathize with patients who are worried about the bills they will receive after surgery. I have even cried with some of my patients after hearing what tragedies they have been through. I simply try to make sure that every patient I schedule knows what to expect and are confident to proceed with surgery. I always let my patients know that they can call me, email me, write me a letter or even fax me, ensuring them that I am available to answer any questions they may have.
5.) What are some of your outside hobbies or interests?
I’m like a fish and I like anything shiny and sparkly! I love to put my personal touches on anything I come in contact with daily. Once my desk was covered in fur for a full year! I love doing creative make-up looks that I learned off YouTube as well as some semi-crazy hairstyles! I love fashion and shopping of course, but who doesn’t?
6.) What's your favorite restaurant in the Charlotte area?
Surf N’ Tuff in Bessemer City is one of my favorite places to eat. I live out in Gaston county. I’m a chicken tender connoisseur, so anywhere that has really good chicken tenders!
7.) Finally, what's your favorite part of working at OrthoCarolina?
I can’t name just one thing, but a few of them are knowing that I have helped someone who was in a difficult situation as well as the relationships that I have created with the people I work with on a daily basis. I don’t know where I would be in life right now if it wasn’t for some of my previous team leads who helped me when I was lost along the way, as well as for the friends that I have made that have become more than “work friends." They have become my real friends, and my life has changed a lot since they entered my life.