1.) What led you to your position?
I started with Hickory Orthopaedic Center in 1983 as a cashier and migrated to transcriptionist long before there was any kind of voice recognition software. In fact, dictation was recorded on cassette tapes at that time (not micro-cassettes). During my years as a transcriptionist, I was also the providers’ personal secretary. When Hickory Orthopaedic Center merged with OrthoCarolina in 2012, I was asked if I would be interested in becoming the MAA for Hickory. Having worked closely with the providers for so many years on their personal matters, it was a natural fit for me.
2.) What do you like most about your job?
That my job is so multifaceted and that I never know from day-to-day what fire I will need to put out or what will require my attention. That it is never boring or monotonous because my tasks change daily and that it is very autonomous.
3.) What’s something someone might not know about your job?
That I don’t just sit at a desk. I am spinning many plates at times for the providers in the Hickory office whether it be working with the OC Credentialing Department for licenses, hospital reappointments, reconciling credit cards, taking personal calls, setting up provider dinners, working with our Cooperative Christian Ministry patients, and the lists goes on.
4.) What are some of your outside hobbies or interests?
I love spending time with my husband, Ken, and our four wonderful grandchildren; Charlee 7, Phoenix 4, Talon and Jovie both just turned 2 this month. (Not twins but two weeks apart). Talon is our daughter’s son and Jovie is our son’s daughter. Is that clear as mud?
5.) What's your favorite movie?
That’s a very difficult question. I love so many movies and it is very tough to pick just one favorite but it must be Sling Blade because we have watched that movie so many times. “I like the way you talk”.
6.) What's your favorite restaurant in the Charlotte area?
I live in Hudson which for those of you who do not know is a small town between Granite Falls and Lenoir, North Carolina so I am not a connoisseur of Charlotte dining. However, my daughter and her family live in Charlotte and when I’m there we always wind up at Monterrey’s.
7.) Finally, what's your favorite part of working at OrthoCarolina?
That I get to work with a wonderful group of people and that I actually look forward to coming to work. It’s not about just showing up to draw a paycheck but also enjoying what you do.