1.) What led you to become an radiology systems administrator?
I have been at OrthoCarolina for 18 ½ years. I started as a PRN X-ray technologist through a temporary to hire agency, was offered full time employment in radiology, then transferred to the coding department in 2001, until I returned to radiology in 2003 as the radiology manager. My CEO at the time knew I had very solid leadership qualities and have unique skill sets having been on both the clinical and business side of healthcare.
2.) What do you like most about your job?
That is hard to nail down to just one answer. I enjoy negotiating the purchase of our various imaging systems, planning and overseeing the installation of the various imaging equipment we have at OrthoCarolina, and radiation safety compliance as being the Radiation Safety Officer at OrthoCarolina. I honestly believe my greatest sense of achievement is when the OrthoCarolina radiologic technologists contact me with an issue and I’m able to help them get back to providing excellent patient care.
3.) What’s something someone might not know about your job?
I wear a multitude of hats at OrthoCarolina. I oversee the daily operations of X-ray, ultrasound, EMG, fluoroscopy, Cone Beam CT scanner, state and federal radiation safety compliance, the aforementioned equipment maintenance and repairs, secure OC staff access to the various outside agencies, negotiate equipment purchases and maintenance contracts, oversee clinical PACS operations, assist the IT department. All of this before 9:00 AM!!
4.) What are some of your outside hobbies or interests?
I love to scuba dive, being outdoors enjoying nature and I also enjoy a good movie.
5.) What's your favorite movie?
I really don’t have a single favorite movie. I enjoy drama, comedy and lots of action in a movie plot.
6.) What's your favorite restaurant in the Charlotte area?
It's a tossup between Mama Ricotta’s and La Unica.
7.) Finally, what's your favorite part of working at OrthoCarolina?
I take great pride in playing my part in the bigger role of OrthoCarolina. I work with a group of individuals that I sincerely believe are the best at what they do.