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Fellowship Trained:
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- Angelo State University - B.S. in Biology
- University of Texas at Houston Medical School - Medical Doctorate
- University of Hawaii, Preliminary Surgery Program - Internship
- University of Texas-Baylor College of Medicine Alliance, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Program - Residency
- OrthoCarolina- Interventional Spine Fellowship
- 2015-2016, Performed over 2500 independent procedures with emphasis on epidural lumbar and cervical epidural and facet injections. Also, experience with medial branch blocks, radio frequency ablations as well as two half days per week performing arthrograms.
- 2012-2013, Hands-on operating room training in interventional spine procedures by Dr. Benoy Benny, Board Certified Pain Specialist, University of Texas-Baylor College of Medicine Alliance, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Program, Houston, TX
- 2012-2013, Performed Botox injections with Dr. Monica Verduzco-Gutierrez, University of Texas-Baylor College of Medicine Alliance, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Program, Houston, TX
- 2012-2013, Performed ultrasound guided intraarticular joint injections with Dr. Benoy Benny and Dr. John Harrell, University of Texas-Baylor College of Medicine Alliance, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Program, Houston, TX
- 2010 -2013, Independently performed over 250 EMGs at time of completion of PGY4 year, University of Texas-Baylor College of Medicine Alliance, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Program, Houston, TX
- 2009 - 2010, Performed hands-on surgical procedures, both open and laparoscopic, as the primary or first assistant surgeon, University of Hawaii, Preliminary Surgery Program, Honolulu, HI
- 2012, Physician Representative for quality and safety improvement for PICC line infection control, Texas Institute for Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR) Hospital, Houston, TX
- 2011-2012, Quality Improvement Project for assessing DVT Risk in inpatient population, Texas Institute for Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR) Hospital, Houston, TX
- 2010 — 2013, Tour Guide and Recruiter for interviewing and future residents, University of Texas-Baylor College of Medicine Alliance, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Program, Houston, TX
- 2010 — present, AAPM&R American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- 2008, Participated in UT-BCM Alliance Rehab Movie Club
- 2004 — 2007, American Medical Association
- 2004 — 2006, Student Surgical Association Medical School
- McGehee, ML, and Garden, F. Use of Ultrasound in Aiding Musculoskeletal Physical Exam. Manuscript in preparation.
- McGehee, ML. Does Use of Ultrasound Improve Accuracy with Intraarticular Joint Injections? MSK Journal Club presentation at Veteran Affairs Hospital, Houston, TX. 2011.
- McGehee, ML, and Garden, F. Use of Ultrasound in Aiding Musculoskeletal Physical Exam. Critical Review of the Literature at UT-Houston Medical School, Houston, TX. 2011.
- 2006 — 2007, Stem Cell Effectiveness in Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery, Research Associate in Dr. Charles Cox’s lab, Department of Pediatric Surgery, UT-Houston Medical School, Houston, TX
Dr. McGehee has been awesome in treating me as an individual, not, just another patient! He explains procedures and doesn't take chances with me! Plus, he listens to my concerns!