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Health at Home

Stride into Wellness: Navigating the Path of Joint Health and Fitness – Exploring the Harmony of Walking and Running

Explore the world of optimal joint health and fitness with expert orthopedic insights. Discover the benefits of walking and running, strike a balance for overall fitness, and delve into effective weight management strategies tailored for women. 

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Navigating the holiday hustle and bustle with Orthopedic conditions

Discover practical tips for navigating the holiday season with orthopedic conditions. Prioritize self-care, use ergonomic tools, and manage pain effectively. Stay active and stress-free while embracing the festive spirit

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Safe and Savory Thanksgiving: A Guide to Correctly Carving Your Turkey and Avoiding Food-Related Injuries

Discover essential tips for hand safety and injury prevention during cooking. Learn how occupational therapy can help with orthopedic injuries, and find ways to prevent kitchen accidents. Ensure safe food preparation this holiday season.

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Tech-Neckology: Navigating the Digital Era Without the Pain

Explore the causes and symptoms of Tech Neck (cervicalgia) resulting from forward head posture and discover effective treatments, including ergonomic solutions and mobility exercises for pain relief and improved neck health.

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Simple Ways to Improve Your Mental Health and Orthopedic Well-Being

In this article, we will discuss the benefits of yoga and stretching for mental health, alongside our friends at Melting Point Hot Yoga and provide simple movements that you can do at home. We hope you'll join us in taking control of your mental health this month!

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At-Home Olympic-Style Workouts

In this series, we cover different Olympic events and relate them to upcoming spring sports with insight from OrthoCarolina Sports Medicine Specialists.

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10 Stretches for Tight Hips

Follow these 10 simple stretches to ease tight hip muscles and prevent injuries.

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Always Tired? A Few Reasons Why & How To Fix It

Living with chronic fatigue? Find out what the cause could be and how to fix it.

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How Short Workouts Can Be Beneficial

If you're short on time or motivation, here's how committing to “snack-sized” workouts throughout the day can make a big difference.

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5 Fitness Trends Worth Following When You’re Over 50

Exercise science has advanced over the decades, and folks over 50 will find improved results—and a more enjoyable process—by taking advantage of some of the newer trends in fitness. To help you separate the useful information from marketing gimmicks, here are five fitness trends worth following when you’re over 50.

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14 Tips to Reverse Aging & Improve Your Biological Age

Your biological age defines how your body is functioning relative to your calendar age. These training, nutritional and lifestyle changes can help rewind the clock.

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How to Make the Most of Charlotte's Outdoor Strength Training Circuits

Charlotte is home to several outdoor strength training circuits, also known as parcourse or fitness trails. These stations provide a fun way to add a strength-training element to any walk, without gear.

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How to Keep Your Bones Strong – and Make Them Even Stronger

Our 206 bones do more than just keep us standing, walking, and singing through life. But just like muscles, our bones require maintenance work. Here’s how to keep them healthy for the long run.

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5 Simple Habits to Live a Longer & Healthier Life

Research has shown that people who adhere to 5 key habits have a greater chance of living longer past age 50.

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A Beginner's Guide to Yoga: Styles, Tools & Tips

Great for the mind, great for the body, yoga might just be your next best tool for unwinding. Figure out the best style for your practice and learn tips to get started on your yoga journey.

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Light Activities Like Gardening Are Good for Your Physical Health

Performing light physical activities like gardening, dancing and taking a walk supports your physical fitness and helps reduce your mortality risk.

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How to Start Working Out Again & Stick With It

Whether you were previously a fitness junkie or you only worked out sporadically, it’s now more important than ever to prioritize physical activity. Here's how to identify obstacles that may be keeping you from consistent exercise & tips to overcome them.

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Virtual Therapy: What to Expect

Through virtual therapy, patients can progress toward their physical or hand-therapy and pain-management goals with support from their therapist, all while minimizing social contact.

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Benefits of Telemedicine Video Visits

Telemedicine offers key advantages to keep patients and medical providers connected.

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What Is Cholesterol? Plus, 5 Foods to Improve Your Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol is essential to healthy body functions, but too much cholesterol can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Find out how to lower your cholesterol levels to reduce inflammation and keep your heart healthy.

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5 Tips to De-stress with Mindfulness

Do you have trouble staying present? It’s all too common in our world of constant news updates, emails and social media. Learn the mindfulness tools to stay cool, calm and collected in stressful situations.

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Sleep: The Secret Ingredient of Injury Recovery

After an injury,  sleep is key to proper recovery. Learn more about the role sleep plays in muscle and joint repair and how to set yourself up to sleep well and get better quickly.

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5 Tips to Make Healthier Holiday Choices

Celebrating the holiday season and maintaining your healthy habits only seem like polar opposites. Check out our docs' recommendations for how to strike a balance over the holidays.

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Tips and Tricks for Fitting in At Least Three At-Home Workouts Per Week

You don’t have to hit the gym or spend hours working out to become more fit. Here are eight tips to make at-home exercise a regular part of your week.

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How Exercise Can Help Your Gut Health

The list of health benefits that come from staying active is nothing short of incredible. Here’s yet another important benefit of staying active – better gut health.

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