With Todd Bohemier, PT, ATC-L
Back pain is the most common complaint of people who sit to perform their job duties and is a symptom Physical Therapist Todd Bohemier treats in his patients each day.
“Your gluteal muscles, specifically the gluteus medius, are not designed to be compressed in a seated flexed position for prolong periods of time and will shut down or become inhibited leading to pain and inflammation, Todd says. “The gluteal muscles are one of the most important muscle groups in the body and are designed to help you move and propel the body.”
RELATED: If You Sit at a Desk All Day, This Muscle Might Be in Danger
While treating patients in the physical therapy clinic, Todd is not only using his computer but also moving and standing. As a movement expert, Todd and his colleagues choose to use a rolling standing desk as a functional workspace.
No matter what your workday looks like, a standing desk can provide improved working positions for people of all heights and, in turn, keep you from staying in a stagnant position for a prolonged period.
“The longer your body stays in one position, the harder it is to move from it,” Todd says. “This is where the term ‘gluteal amnesia’ comes from. Standing desks ensure better posture for office workers and prevent long term health conditions such as musculoskeletal disorders.”
RELATED: Five Ways to Get Your Steps in During the Workday
Studies have reported participants seeing a 32% improvement of lower back pain and 54% reduction of neck pain symptoms after several weeks of using a standing desk.*
“Prolonged sitting or standing is not good for you,” Todd says. “The body is made to move. One trick we recommend is for patients to set a timer to remind you to move, stand up or walk.”
Studies have also shown that standing desks can promote:
-Increased caloric use which assists with limiting weight gain
- Control of blood sugar spikes when standing after eating
- Improved heart health
- Better mood, mental alertness and productivity
- Ready to get that nagging back pain treated by an orthopedic specialist? Find and OrthoCarolina location near you.
- Try these seven stretches you can do from your desk chair to help relieve at-work low back pain.
- Learn how to set up a healthy work station from choosing the best chair to positioning your computer monitor.
Physical Therapist Todd Boheimer practices at OrthoCarolina's Hickory and Lincolnton offices. In addition to treating patients, Todd stays current in the latest research by frequently attending continuing education courses and reading journals. He is married to his wife Rhonda and has a son and daughter who attend Maiden High School. Todd is very active with his local church, loves attending his children's sporting events and volunteering in the community.
*Thorpe AA et al. Occup Environ Med. 2104, Ognibene GT, et al J Occup Med 2016, Pronk NP, et al Prev Chronic Dis. 2012
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