H-Wave stimulation is a drug-free form of electrical stimulation, or small muscle fiber stimulator, that treats chronic soft-tissue injury, improves lymphatic flow, and helps decrease acute, chronic and neuropathic pain. We use it in several of our physical therapy clinics, including Huntersville, University and Concord.
What sets H-Wave apart from other types of electrical stimulation (such as TENS, or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), is the type of wave form it uses. The pulse width of the wave is 35 times larger than the average pulse width, and this combination provides increased energy though the tissues with low voltage. It also means this wave is non–fatiguing to the muscle and is safer for immediate post-operative use. The maximal increase in circulation and lymphatic drainage combines for a cumulative therapeutic effect.

H-Wave actually anesthetizes the affected area and ‘shifts fluid’ rather than masking pain, meaning you take less pain medication and can return to normal life and work more quickly. By improving circulation and bringing nutrients to healing tissues, the waste products of healing are flushed away. It’s also a form of treatment used by many professional sports teams including the Carolina Panthers.
More about H-Wave
Ken Breath, PT, ATC, LAT and manager of OrthoCarolina Huntersville’s physical therapy clinic, contributed to this post.
August 11, 2014