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- American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH) -
Candidate Membership - Pediatric Orthopedic Society of North America
(POSNA) - American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)
- American Medical Association (AMA)
- Loyola University Maryland- Bachelor of Science
- University of Auckland
- University of Auckland
- University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine- Doctorate of Medicine
- NYU Langone Hospital- Hand Surgery Fellowship
- Brachial plexus birth palsy
- Arthrogryposis
- Neuromuscular conditions
- Congenital hand
- ABOS Board Certification: 2022
- Hand Surgery Sub-specialty Certification: Pending
- Microsurgery Training: Columbia University Course & Certification
- Four-Year Charles H. Hovies Academic Merit Scholarship to the University of Pennsylvania School of
Medicine - 2019 AFSH-HVO Young Surgeon Traveling Fellowship Grant (Outreach site: Kumasi, Ghana)
- 2018 & 2019 ASSH Travel Scholarship Grant Recipient
- Sarah Pettrone, M.D. Memorial Scholarship: American Society for Surgery of the Hand Annual Meeting (2017)
- International Pediatric Orthopaedic Symposium Full Tuition Scholarship (2016)(2017)
- The Suffolk County Academy of Medicine – Doctors of Tomorrow Scholarship
- Stanford University School of Medicine Underrepresented Minorities Visiting Student Clerkship Scholarship
- Harvard Medical School Visiting Clerkship Program Scholarship
- Advanced Medical Spanish Course Certificate (2009-2010)
- International Fellowship in Pediatric Upper Extremity Microsurgery: Vall d’Hebron Hospital (Barcelona, Spain)
1. Francisco Soldado, Maria Cristina Garcia-Martinez, Sergi Barrera-Ochoa, Jorge Knorr, Jose Couceiro, Michael W. Aversano.
Pedicled palmar intermetacarpal perforator flap for skin-graftless syndactyly release: Anatomical study and clinical
application. Microsurgery. Nov 2022
2. Michael W. Aversano, Scott H. Kozin. “Congenital Hand Anomalies” Review of Hand Surgery 2nd edition. Ed. Pedro Beredjiklian, David Bozentka, Gregory Gallant. Elsevier: July 2021
3. Alex Rondon, Michael W. Aversano, Chase T Kluemper, Paula Pino, Scott H Kozin, Dan Zlotolow. Flexor Digitorum
Superficialis Tendon Transfer for Wrist Extension. JBJS Essent Surg Tech. Oct 2021
4. Michael W. Aversano, Nader Paksima. “Tenosynovitis Disorders.” Scientific American Plastic Surgery. 2017
5. Michael W. Aversano, Mikhail Zusmanovich, Nader Paksima. “Proximal Median Nerve Compression.” Hand Surgery: Tricks
of the Trade. Ed. Pedro K. Beredjiklian. 2018
6. Michael W. Aversano, Abdel Majid Sheikh Taha, Surya Mundluru, Norman Y. Otsuka. What’s New in the Orthopaedic
Treatment of Cerebral Palsy. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 2016
7. Michael W. Aversano, Payam Moazzaz, David Barba, Anthony A. Scaduto, Norman Y. Otsuka. Association of BMI-for-age
and Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis: The Long-term Risk for Subsequent Slip in Patients Followed to Physeal Closure.
Journal of Children’s Orthopaedics. April 2016
8. Remy V. Rabinovich, Michael W. Aversano, Dan Zlotolow. Nerve Transfers for Restoration of Elbow Flexion in Patients
with Acute Flaccid Myelitis. Journal of Hand Surgery 2021
9. Taylor Paziuk, Michael W. Aversano, Scott H. Kozin, Dan Zlotolow. The Utilization of Nerve Transfer for Reestablishing
Shoulder Function in the Setting of Acute Flaccid Myelitis: A Single Institution Review. Pediatric Neurology 2020
10. Chase Kluemper, Michael W. Aversano, Scott H. Kozin, Dan Zlotolow. Long Thoracic Nerve Transfer for Children with
Brachial Plexus Injuries. Journal of Hand Surgery. 2020
11. Mikhail Zusmanovich, Michael W. Aversano, Nader Paksima, Michael Rettig. “Wrist Denervation.” Hand Surgery: Tricks of
the Trade. Ed. Pedro K. Beredjiklian. 2018
12. Anuj Bapodra, Michael W. Aversano, S. Steven Yang. Extensor pollicis brevis muscle belly incursion into the first extensor
compartment: an anatomic study. Journal of Hand Surgery (European) 2021
13. Perry J. Evangelista, Michael W. Aversano, Emmanuel Koli B.S., Aaron Brandt, B.S., Joseph Bosco, Richard Iorio, Effect of
TXA on Transfusion rates following TJA: A Cost and Comparative Effectiveness Analysis. Ortho Clin of North America. 2016
14. Michael W. Aversano, Adam Kurland B.A., Norman Y. Otsuka POSNA Review Article: Supracondylar Humerus Fractures.
Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America Study Guide. 2015 https://posna.org/Physician-Ed...
15. Michael T. Milone, Mikael Starecki, Omri Ayalon, Michael W. Aversano, Anthony Sapienza. The Relationships Between
Surface Measurements and Underlying Tendon Autograft Length for Upper Extremity Reconstructive Surgery. J Hand Surg
Am. 2017
16. Surya Mundluru, Michael W. Aversano, Norman Y. Otsuka, Todd Lawrence. Overuse Injuries in the Pediatric Athlete.
Bulletin of the Hospital for Joint Diseases. 2014
17. Luke J. Macyszyn, Ernesto Gonzalez-Giraldo, Michael W. Aversano, Gregory G. Heuer, Eric L. Zager, James M. Schuster.
Brachial plexus injury mimicking a spinal-cord injury. Evidence-Based Spine-Care Journal. 2010; 1: 51-53
18. Shih-Shan Lang, Joel A. Bauman, Michael W. Aversano, Matthew R. Sanborn, Arastoo Vossough, Gregory G. Heuer, Phillip
B. Storm. Hyponatremia following Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy: A Report of Five Cases and Analysis of Risk Factors.
Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics. 2012
Presentations and Posters
1. Michael W. Aversano, Chase Kluemper, Francisco Soldado, Scott H. Kozin, Dan A. Zlotolow. Flexor digitorum superficialis
tendon transfer for wrist extension in brachial plexus injury. American Society for Surgery of the Hand Meeting 2020
2. Michael W. Aversano, Anuj Bapodra, S. Steven Yang. Extensor Pollicis Brevis Muscle Belly Incursion into the First Dorsal
Compartment: An Anatomic Study. NYSSH 2019
3. Bookman J, Aversano MA, Price A, Grossman JAI. 25-Year Experience with the Subscapularis Slide for Correction of
Internal Rotation Contracture in Brachial Plexus Birth Injury. Narakas International Symposium on Brachial Plexus
Surgery. May 2019: Leiden, Netherlands
4. Michael W. Aversano, Omri Ayalon, Michael Starecki, Michael T. Milone, Nader Paksima. An Anatomic Study of the
Variable Insertions of the Extensor Pollicis Brevis and its Contribution to Interphalangeal Joint Extension. American Society
for Surgery of the Hand Meeting & Sir Robert Jones Lectureship 2016
5. Michael W. Aversano, Surya Mundluru, Scott Hadley, Norman Y. Otsuka, Are Polydactyly Digit Growth Plates Normal?
American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference & Exhibition 2014
6. Jared Bookman, Michael W. Aversano, John Al Grossman, Andrew Price. 25-Year Experience with the Subscapularis Slide
for Correction of Internal Rotation Contracture in Brachial Plexus Palsy Birth Injury. AAOS Annual Meeting 2020,
American Society for Surgery of the Hand Meeting 2018 & NYSSH Meeting 2018
7. Jared Bookman, Michael W. Aversano, Michael Guss, Omri Ayalon, Nader Paksima. DeQuervains Tenosynovitis Release
with Excision of the First Dorsal Compartment: Novel Surgical Technique and a Case Series. American Society for Surgery
of the Hand Meeting 2018 & NYSSH Meeting 2018
8. Michael T. Milone, Mikael Starecki, Omri Ayalon, Michael W. Aversano, Anthony Sapienza. Estimating Tendon Autograft
Length for Upper Extremity Reconstructive Surgery Running head: Estimating Tendon Autograft Length. American Society
for Surgery of the Hand Meeting & Sir Robert Jones Lectureship 2016
9. Perry J. Evangelista, Michael W. Aversano, Emmanuel Koli, Aaron Brandt, Joseph Bosco, Richard Iorio, Effect of TXA on
Transfusion rates following TJA: A Cost and Comparative Effectiveness Analysis. AOA Annual Meeting 2016
10. Surya Mundluru, Michael W. Aversano, Emily Bakaj, Carlos Uquillas, David S. Feldman, Norman Y. Otsuka. The Effects of
Weight Status Category on the Functional Health of Pediatric Orthopaedic Patients as Measured by the Pediatric Outcomes
Data Collection Instrument. Sir Robert Jones Lecture 2014
11. Michael W. Aversano, Roshan Shah, John Froelich, Stuart L. Weinstein, Samir Mehta, The AAOS Political Action
Committee: How do we compare to the Trial Lawyers? American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2013 Conference
12. Aversano MW, González-Giraldo E, Halpern CH, Jandali S, Low DW, Storm PB. Free Fibula Graft and Arteriovenous
Saphenous Loop for Posterior Spinal Fusion in Irradiated Pediatric Patients. American Association of Neurological Surgeons
2011 conference
13. Heuer G, Aversano MW, Bauman JA. Hyponatremia Following Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy: A Report of Five Cases
and Analysis of Risk Factors. AANS/CNS Section on Pediatric Neurological Surgery 2010 Conference
14. Gonzalez-Giraldo E, Aversano MW, Halpern CH. Establishing a Role for Mouse Models in Deep Brain Stimulation:
Evidence from an Obesity Model. American Association of Neurological Surgeons 2011 Conference
15. Keith D. Baldwin, Roshan Shah, Derek Donegan, Jaimo Ahn, Micheal Aversano, Samir Mehta. Significant Cost Variation
Between States in Hip Fracture Care for Dual Eligibles. The American Orthopaedic Association 2013 Conference
16. Aversano MW, Boubli JP. Communal Infant Care in a Population of Captive Cotton-top Tamarins. University of Auckland
Department of Anthropology Summer Research Meeting; Auckland, New Zealand. September 2008
17. Aversano MW. Health, Medicine, and Society in 20th Century Post-World War II America: Breaking Down the Doctor-
Patient Relationship. Auckland University Medical Students' Association Research Conference. September 2007.
18. Aversano MW, Warren K., Solomon IC. Role of Gap Junctions in CO2 Chemoreception: An Analysis of Connexin Expression
in the Rat Model. Stony Brook University Physiology and Biophysics Research Conference; Stony Brook, NY. August 2006.
19. Aversano MW. The Reemergence of Tuberculosis in Present-Day Society: A New Perspective on the Anti-Tuberculosis
Crusades of the Early 20th Century. National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine Conference. July 2004.\
Grant Awards
- Kevin Heaney and Judi Marvel Charities Summer Brain Tumor Research Grant: The Children’s Hospital of
Philadelphia (2010-2011)
- Advisor: Dr. Philip Storm, Department of Neurosurgery, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
- Clinical Research Projects:
1) Brachial plexus injuries
2) Spinal fusion in irradiated pediatric patients
3) Animal models for deep brain stimulation,
4) Endoscopic third ventriculostomy
5) Long-term monitoring for epilepsy.
Scientific Field Research
• Research on Communal Infant Care in Cotton-top Tamarins (Auckland, New Zealand - 2008)
- Advisor: Dr. Jean P. Boubli
- Observational Research Project at the Auckland Zoo: Cotton-top tamarins as a model for social hierarchy and
communal rearing in new world primates. Focus on behavioral patterns of infant care amongst generations and the
costs/benefits of infant carrying.
Basic Science Research
• Department of Physiology and Biophysics, SUNY Stony Brook University Medical Center (Summer 2006 –
Summer 2009)
- Advisor: Dr. Irene Solomon
- Research projects: Function of gap junctions and electrical coupling on CO2-chemoreception, respiratory
rythmogenesis, and respiratory motoneuron output in the brainstem. Analysis of the various isoforms of connexin
comprising gap junctions to assess differences in cellular expression of connexin proteins in certain respiratory
centers of the brain and the associated breathing patterns that each location produces under an induced chemo-
• Research on Anti-Mitotic Cancer Therapy using Yeast Model System – Biology Professor – Dr. Hardwick,
Loyola College (Fall 2005 – Spring 2006)
- Advisor: Dr. Hardwick
- Research Project: 1) Role of microtubules on structural instability and the unregulated growth phase of neoplastic
cells using a yeast model system. 2) The effects of anti-mitotic agents on the appearance of the microtubular
apparatus during cell division